Tuesday, September 18, 2007

45 in a 55...........Somebody Help Me Please!

One of things about driving in Maine is,that some people drive very very slowly,an its driving me crazy. There is a group of drivers, who have never looked in their rear view mirror. Because if they did they would see a very long parade of cars and trucks. And possibly me with steam shooting from my ears. If you want to drive 45 mph in 55 mile zone maybe you need that second cup of coffee,or your blood pressure medicine kicked up a notch. But just as bad,and maybe worst, are the people who are behind this snail like driver. In my book they have a responsibility to pass this snail like car. It's in the rules people! But no, they just sit there like it's OK that we are all doing 45 mph, nobody has to get anywhere I think. Da. So now I have to take the initiative and pass 5 cars in a row. After the pass is made I am most likely hitting about 150 mph which is a good time for the police to come along. It drives me cuckoo and not for cocoa puffs.

These people are the same ones you follow up route 1 for 30 miles, at 45 mph, till you get to the point in the road where it divides into two lanes so you can pass. Now instead of moving to the right to let you by, they stay in the left lane and proceed to break the sound barrier so you can't pass them. Then reaching the single lane again before you, they are back to the 45 mph once again. Well I could just take a big bite out of the steering wheel after that. And when they finally do turn off, they turn around and give you the finger like you've got a problem buddy. Do these people go down to the zoo and watch the turtles zoom by! I think they do.

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