Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Amy's

What's the new post about Uncle Willie?

Spin class Timmy.

Oh jesus cripes Uncle Willie not again.

We now have another new instructor,Really-Short-Hair Amy. I expect the next instructor to be Bald-Head-Amy. RSH Amy tryed to give me a heart attach today but I fooled her I lived. And I now can tell the difference between all of the Amy's.Long-Hair-Amy is much kinder and gentler soul. Short-Hair-Amy has got this squeaky voice and is tough. Really-Short-Hair-Amy is really the toughest and she wears a patch, not over her eye but, on her cheek. That's real freaky. What's next No-Head-Amy.

1 comment:

Farf's Girl said...

You need to come and visit us in hoboken so that I can introduce you to my yoga instructor. you'd have a field day with her!