Friday, February 8, 2008


The Federal Communications Commission has proposed a $1.4 million fine against 52 ABC Television Network stations over a 2003 broadcast of cop drama NYPD Blue.
The fine is for a scene where a boy surprises a woman as she prepares to take a shower. The scene depicted "multiple, close-up views" of the woman's "nude buttocks" according to an agency order issued late Friday.
FCC's definition of indecent content requires that the broadcast "depicts or describes sexual or excretory activities" in a "patently offensive way" and is aired between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.
The agency said the show was indecent because "it depicts sexual organs and excretory organs _ specifically an adult woman's buttocks."
The agency rejected the network's argument that "the buttocks are not a sexual organ."

We have come along way from the Puritans in the way we look at the human body.
Wait a minute no we haven't. In the year 2008 someone is being fined for showing a nude buttock. Let me explain something to the FCC, every man or women has a buttock. And in my world ,and I am sure in many peoples world, showing someones ass is not indecent. But not the FCC who probably thinks about their ass a lot because of that stick that's shoved way up there. So there!

Here is a clip from the Tyra Banks show where Tyra and some of the audiance take off their pants. But please don't worry no ones shows their winky or hooha.

1 comment:

Farf's Girl said...

Thanks for that video, UW. I think I'm going to be sick now. I'll take Dennis Franz's backside over TB's ANY DAY!!