Saturday, January 26, 2008

Notice to All And Especially to Kate AKA Blaise

This is an open letter to all who have come to me and mentioned my spelling and punctuation and that sentences go on and on and on and on and on and on forever I think that I am doing find and I think that anyone who reads this blog knows what I am talking about and can keep their yaps shut because I think that a guy who never took school as anything more then some place to sleep and meet friends is doing pretty good with his writing now it maybe at a third grade level but I am getting along just fine so please give me a break and you be careful to dot every i and cross every t because I just don't have the time nor do I give a dam because I just think it is re-goddam-dicules have a nice day.

1 comment:

Farf's Girl said...

I think your blog is a trip, Uncle Willie. And the poor spelling, horrible punctuation and myriad of typos just make it all that more endearing :)