Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Drop the Bike and Back Away

Last night in spin class with the evil spin goddess running the class there was and incident. Some one in class had a bike that the seat adjustment bar was missing, so I had gone to find a wrench to try to adjust the seat. I was gone about 30 seconds and when I returned to the class, Mary wide eyed with this strange look on her face, was stealing the very bike that had this problem with the seat. The only problem was that it was this young girls bike who had claimed it before Mary had gotten to class. This girl was just about to burst into tears because she had her bike ripped from her hands by a crazed Mary. Mary was also moving out another bike, from Mary's personal position on the floor. She was out of control. I thought we were going to have to shoot Mary in the leg with one of those guns that they use to tranquilize wild animals. We finally calmed Mary down with a small piece of chocolate. The spin class went off with no further problems, except for the goddess trying to kill us all again.


Mary said...

Ok Willie,
Just a little bit of exxageration on this one and I made a point to visit the young girl at Maine Med this morning and she is almost over her's amazing what the new drugs these days can no harm done...and next time they will all know better now won't they.....and what a pal you are...offering to get the wrench for her to fix MY BIKE in the wrong part of the room??? We will definitely need to discuss this when I return in two weeks...and you can just forget about the present of Island Rum I was going to bring back for you...that should be punishment enough...for now..Hey Amy how about 95 minutes on the bike for Willie next week?

Willie Y said...

Hey I'll tell Amy how about a 2 hour class. Bring it on. Also Mary if you could pick me up a Rolex or something small like that I would really appreciate it a lot. And it would go along way to keep your name out of the blog for a while.

Mary said...

Hey Willie,
I'll see what I can do...there are a lot of knock offs in Nassau...did I tell you about the great deal I got on the Louis Vitton bags for ten bucks??? Anyway why stop at a 2 hour ride? Why don't you just go for 4 hours ....or how about you go on Tuesday Night and keep spinning until Victor's class on Wednesday that would be a challenge...but I'm sure not too much of a challenge for the great spin meister....
later, M

Anonymous said...

OMG you guys!

Here I thought it was a "no-blog" night...everything ran smoothly... no fights... no complaints...everyone still able to walk out of class. And yet before my very eyes unbeknownst to me there was a sinister swap going on. Here I thought Mary was trying to help the poor girl out-not steal her bike. Well, I 'll be darned.

Willie Y said...

Yes it's like a bizarro world and I am right in the middle of it. Just as a observer and not as a participant. Most of the people in class are a tad off of center except for you and me Evil, and sometimes I wonder about you. I am an island of sanity surrounded by a sea of wacky fish.

Mary said...

OK, Forget what I said in my first comment about slight exxageration...just the thought of you being the model sane person totally freaks me out...I think I am going to get on that plane tomorrow and never come back....or will I??? tatatadaaahhhh.....

Willie Y said...

Mary, just enjoy the vacation.It will be nice to sit around sipping a nice glass of Pinot Gregio and then spend a little time looking for the special gift for me. If its a Rolex don't make it to ostentatious that's not me. Have a good trip.