Friday, February 15, 2008

Humbling Experience

This Sunday while going through the New York Times book review I spotted these words above the review, Willie's World . Upon seeing this I started to read the review.
If the agents at Gutanamo Bay ever run out of interrogation techniques they might consider forcing their prisoners to spend hours reading aloud to one another from ......... In my mind the next words would be from the blog Willie's World. This is when I started to look at the whole review and discovered that the book they were reviewing was My Life and Our Times by Willie Brown. What this shows me is that I was so blinded by my own ego that all I could see was that this review mention my blog, holy crap I need help. Well I am now back to earth and I have got myself under control ,as much as I can get myself under control. I am also starting a lawsuit against the New York Times for using Willie's World in the book review.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

My blog was actually referenced once by the Wall Street Journal. They ran a golf article and somehow detected that I had a golf-related post that day and thought my post was about their article. So, my post (which had nothing to do with them) was listed under "People Talking About This Article". I was honored.