Friday, February 1, 2008

Willie's World Contest for just Dede and Mary

I've gotten some feed back from people today about the contest. A lot of whining and complaining about the length, 10 questions, and the questions themselves. I thought it would be easy for someone who has been with me from the start but I guess not. So here is a couple of questions just for Dede and Mary.

1. What is my name? (and I don't mean my name, I mean your names)

2. Multiple choice. I am a : a. Man b. Women

3.Fill in the blanks: Häagen-Dazs sells ice cr--m.

OK ladies I hope this questions are a little more to your liking. So get the answers in ASAP, if you know the answers.


Mary said...

OK Willie,

I know that you think this contest is a little easier but it is still quite difficult for me as I don't test well...genetic I have a couple questions before I can answer:

1. When you mean your names do you just mean my name or am I supposed to include Dede's name too?

2. Again when you ask if a man or woman are you asking if I am a man or a woman, you are a man or a woman, or is Dede a man or a woman? Also can I get a third option for that question?

3. this one is easy Haagen-Dazs sells frozen yogurt

Anyway this contest stuff is not really my thing. Is there any other way to win the prize?


Willie Y said...

I know I should have spelled the questions out in big letters with a crayon.
1 Yes your name.
2 Your own personal gender.
3 You are getting close.

Here is a little life lesson for you. Don't buy anything from Ikea. You will never get it together.

Anonymous said...

You should know the difference between "winning" and "whining" by now. (You sure seem to spend so much time doing the latter, I would expect you should know how to spell it.)

Besides, what is the prize for these dreadful contests? I mean do you really think we can remember anything you've written?

BTW, you are the last person on the list for Tuesday night so if Victor doesn't fix some bikes, guess who is gonna get SCRATCHED? Just thought you'd like to know that... :)

Willie Y said...

Well evil spin goddess if you look you will see that whining is spelled correctly. Also it is going to be a very nice prize that hasn't been determined yet. And lastly you would let your Pal go without a bike. Well I'll tell you this that if there are no bikes left for me, I'll take the class anyway. With my skills as a mime I will pretend I am riding for the full class. I don't need no stinking bike.

Anonymous said...

Cheater. You changed it!!!! Or would "cheetah" work better for you in your blog of nonsense and absurdity?

Willie Y said...

Nonsense and absurdity you say. I say just some what interesting crap.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of "crap"...where the hell were you this morning? I prepared special music just for you and you didn't show up. Too much Super Bowl celebration? We missed the mime show but were amazed with the invisible man act. Wow you are so talented... so gifted! How do you do it Uncle Willie?