Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Evil's Back

Vacation is over and Evil has spread over land. I am not talking about Sean Hannity. What I am saying is that Evil Republican Spin Goddess has returned from vacation. Oh yes and she has returned with a vengeance with one of the toilsome workout in a while. My heart rate was in the stratosphere and going up. She has way to much energy and it should take a while to calm her down. So I guess we will be in for it for a couple of more weeks. Any who it was a classic workout from our evil gal, good music and a very good workout.

In attendance was Mary, Heidi, Dede,Dolly the other Wendy, the other Nancy, who worked out for about 10 minutes and a interloper, and of course Mr Spinie, the spin meister general, the king of spin, Brad Pitt look-a-like, your pal.


Evil Republican Spin Goddess said...

Did I ever mention that I happen to like Sean Hannity?

Willie Y said...

I have now lost all respect for you. Sean Hannity is the ulta moron. I mean he is the moroniest moron in all of moron land. As a matter fact he is the president of moron land. And he became the president of moron land because he is the biggest moron of all time.

Evil Republican Spin Goddess said...

Chill out Willie.