Well it's snowing in Maine this morning and that is normal, duh. So whats the big deal about this storm? It's winter and it's snowing, oh god hit the panic button. And yes I know that they are getting a lot of snow in the south and that's not normal. Suck it up and deal with it. Drop your hush puppy's and grits and start shoveling.
I don't know why, but it puts a smile on my face to see snow and cold weather in the south. "Why would you move to Maine?" is all you hear from my friends in the south. And yes I always follow with "Why would anyone move to the south." So when I check the weather channel and it said that it will be 18 degrees in Myrtle Beach it makes my day. Snow in Georgia, well I could not be happier.
About 8 years ago my wife and I were caught in some snow in Myrtle Beach South Carolina. And I want to tell you that the people thought it was the end of world. The snow accumulation was a record at the time, 1 inch. You would have thought it was a blizzard. They closed the supermarkets, schools and of course they couldn't start the one plow that they have for the whole state. I'm talking major problems.
So today I will have a very big smile on my face all day, as I freeze my face off snow blowing my driveway. It can't get any better.
Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the smile on my face is so delightful,
And since you southerners can't go,
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Snow day!--Yeee Hawww!!!!!!
Since we get all four seasons solidly represented here in Cincinnati, there's always time for certain folks to forget what snow (or 'the white death') is. Ohio driving is fun in the winter.
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