The first spin class of the new year was a good one. It seems our Evil has a new out look, and is putting her nose to the flywheel with a renewed vigor. The routine yesterday was a tough way to start the new year. As usual, she tried to hurt everyone, but tried to kill the older ones, like Jim and your pal. It was classic Evil, yelling and screaming out commands like a Marine drill sergeant. And she had a full class to yell at. It must have been a real rush for our gal. But it was just what I needed, because for the pass two weeks there was not a cookie that I passed that I did not put in my gob.
The class and the Y was jammed packed because....well it's a new year and there are a lot of people who have made a promise to get into shape. The regulars are pissed off by this on slot of new people, as they take up all the machines and classes that the regulars have had free range for most of the year. But alas it will not go on. There is big drop off in about a month when the people who have made the commitment to get into shape, find it annoying getting up a hour before they have to, to do their workout. So peace will so return to the Y soon and all will be well with the world.
Hi Willie,
I got there at 5 minutes to eight and all the new bikes were taken. I was really surprised to see all those new faces. Nice to see hard core cyclists among the newbies. It drives up the motivation for me. I'll be working on my 12:00 class for tomorrow so call me if you need help with MM.
Hi Willie,
I got there at 5 minutes to eight and all the new bikes were taken. I was really surprised to see all those new faces. Nice to see hard core cyclists among the newbies. It drives up the motivation for me. I'll be working on my 12:00 class for tomorrow so call me if you need help with MM.
I hate to say this, but you keep repeating yourself.
Peace be w/ you Willie. and to all at the Y!
You know, my wife and I were considering a new year gym membership...maybe we'll wait until February...
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