Once again John Stewert at Comedy Central have zeroed in on the stupidity of Sara Palin. My question to all media is, "Why do we pay any attention to this women." Every time she is interviewed she brings her lack of any kind of intelligence for all the country to see. And what is most frightening to me is that in some circles she is brought up as a presidential candidate. If she does run I suggest that we change the name of the USA to Bazzaro Land and then we can all move to the moon.
I'm of two minds regarding how much coverage Sarah Palin should receive.
On one hand, she is being propped up by the lunatic wing of the republican party as a potential presidential candidate, so she should be scrutinized.
On the other hand, there's nothing she seems to like more than playing the martyr (and it seems to make her followers love her even more too). Just look at her sickeningly narcissistic response to the Arizona shootings.
Maybe the best response to her is to ignore her self pitying tweets and talk radio appearances, and only ask her very serious policy questions whenever she's in the public eye. It should be Jim Lehrer all the time when it comes to Sarah Palin.
In the end, it will be up to the coasts and the midwest to protect the U.S. from President Palin.
I would love someone other than Fox to interview her, but I don't think that will happen any time soon. She is smart enough to know which side of her bread is buttered.
Palin is very useful to the GOP. In 2008 she siphoned the 1%-3% of female voters who would vote solely for a female President or Vice President regardless of anything else. Those voters were gonna be with Hilary Clinton, so Palin could draw them; or at least make them momentarily consider the McCain/Palin ticket.
More importantly, Palin was put on the ticket to stir-up the red-meat craving Arizona/Alaska/Alabama/Texas segment of the GOP that was just never gonna get enthused about McCain. In the same way that the GOP found it difficult to critique Obama w/out coming across as somewhat racist; they hoped Palin's gender would afford her a degree of teflon from tough criticism, while at the same time she could play the pitbull and take potshots at Obama. But she was too good at being the bully so no one felt sorry for her and she just came across as a c**t.
Palin also splits the white union/blue collar voters who normally go Democrat all the way. A large population of them were never comfortable with the black Obama.
Now she's useful 'cause she helps hardcore conservatives pressure Romney or Gingrich or others who may want to become more moderate as the election closes in.
But do you see the theme here Willie? She's a splitter. The great divider. She'll never be president; that's not her role. Her role is to take intellectual debates and turn them into emotional rallies. Divide so that the sponsors behind her can conquer. "Get in there Sarah, and dont forget to c**t it all up!"
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