What was the biggest headline the last couple of days, unrest in the middle east, the governor of Wisconsin and the unions, or even Fox's Shepard Smith saying that the budget fight in Wisconsin is political, no it's either Lindsay Lohans in court or even bigger, Jennifer Aniston cutting her hair.
What kind of wacky world do we live in when these two stories are the headlines. Jennifer Aniston seems to be a nice person, but why do we care so much about her and her hair. She has not even made a good movie ever, in my humble opinion. Why do we have to know every time she blows a fart, I don't get it.
And Lindsay Lohan I would like to give someone a clue, "THE GIRL HAS A PROBLEM". I'm no expert, but holy shit this women is screaming out for attention where ever she can get it. The rule in Willie's World would be if she does one more thing we give her the chair.........end of problem. As for Ms. Aniston make a good movie and if you do I will really care about your hair, I promise.
Looks like Pete Townsend and Jennifer Aniston had a kid. And the results are...mixed.
I'm a big Lindsay Lohan supporter. She could do some really good things if she could be a really good spokesman for gay issues if she would only get her shit together.
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