Well howdy do everyone I am back. My wife and I just got back from South Carolina where we were taking on her uncles estate and trying to make sense of what he has. He is in a hospice and only has days to live. While he was alive he had always told my wife that she would get everything and it is in his will. Well we cannot find a will and because of that it is going to be a costly and long drawn out process.
His friends, that my wife has been in contact with, have been telling her that his house is a mess and said that it's going to take a giant effort to straighten things out. So when we arrived at his home we were expecting the ceiling to fall. But the home is in good shape, it is his paperwork that is the mess. Evidently he saved every piece of paper that came to his home. And the papers are not spread all over the place but in boxes and files, all very organized. But what a load of paper. It took me 45 minutes to shred bank statements from 2001 to the present. I want to tell you there are a lot of paper. But with only two days to make some sense of it we did a good job.
One of the things that we had to deal with was that we found a hand gun in the house. So what we did, because we are good citizens, we called the police and asked what we should do with it. I know the NRA think that the laws are a little to strict, well I am here to tell you that is bullshit. The policemen we talked to suggested that we could give it to a friend or put a ad in the newspaper and try to sell it. So much for control. He did not want the serial number, permit, no information at all. What if this weapon was used in a crime or a shooting, wouldn't you want to check it out. But sadly no.......strict gun laws my ass.
They did send someone over to check on it and advise us what to do. He looked at it, said it was a twenty two and that it was a nice gun. Then he advised us to take it to a pawn shop and that we could probably get 100 bucks for it. Gun control working.
So we did and we got 70 bucks for it from a pawn shop owner who had bible saying all over the shop. No question asked and none were given. Gun control laws are really strict in South Carolina.
In closeing, please it you don't have a will get one. Don't make the people who you love go through what my wife is going through now. Be kind.
Hickey-doo! Hickey-doo! Whoo ha! Whoo Ha!
Sorry to hear about what your wife is going through. Settling an estate can be tough business. It's good that you're there to support her.
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