Since Easter is around the corner my wife has a bowl, in the shape of a rabbit pushing a cart, of jelly beans. So naturally every time I pass this bowel a grab a handful. As I am eating them I noticed that I start off with the flavor that I like the least, the black ones followed by purple then green. And in the end it's always the orange or red ones.
This eating habit got me thinking about other things that I eat in a certain order. Pancakes..... I will always finish up in the center, where in mostly over loaded with butter and syrup.
Meatballs and spaghetti, I will nine times out of ten eat all of the spaghetti before the meatballs.
Hot dogs, I will always start in the middle resulting in me having 2 small mini hot dogs. Then instead of putting them in my mouth, I finish them up by snorting up my nose. Crazy ha?
Just kidding about the hot dogs, although if the hot dog is sticking out of the bun, I will chomp off those ends so the complete dog is hidden in the bun.
That's it for now I am off to get pizza which I eat in the normal way, in a glass.
Hi Willie Y!
You are too funny. I normally would never comment on your spelling, but this time I can't let it go. "my wife has a bowel(bowl), in the shape of a rabbit pushing a cart"!!?? LOL
Noted and corrected.
Dont let em get to you Willie! I knew what you meant.
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