Last night I finished one gal of the liquid and his morning I had to finish the other half. And I am here to tell you it was sheer torture. In the beginning it does not taste to bad, but as the glasses increased the taste got a little bit unlikeable. The last glass I chugged down to be done with it.
At one point last night when I was almost finished with the drink, I was telling my wife that I did and think it was going to work and that maybe we should call the doctor. When all of a sudden I felt a awaking in my bowels. It was a dash to the bathroom and final success. I was up and down in a minute, I could not even read one short article in Sports Illustrated. The liquid had finally taken it's toll and I was finally shitting my brains out. Hallelujah, thank you god of watery bowel moments.
At the hospital in the morning I had to check in and answer the same question with the same answers that I have giving everyone for the last week....so annoying. Anyway after the annoying questions they took me in and I had to put on one of those hospital gowns and enter the exam room and climb up on that table. The hooked me up to a IV lines that sent me off to la la land. The next thing I know I am coming out of the anesthesia the doctors there and he pulling up his pants and a bottle of wine and flowers are on my bedside table, .......what the heck does that mean?
Well everything down and up my special place is good. And the one thing I told the doctor to look for, during the exam, was not there. So I will continue to look for my long lost Captain Video and Video Rangers Decoder Ring.
"The next thing I know I am coming out of the anesthesia the doctors there and he pulling up his pants and a bottle of wine and flowers are on my bedside table"
Don't worry, Willie. That's normal. So, now that you're into high calonics, does that mean you're also going to get into kaballah?
Yes I am, the whole kit and kaballah.
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