Very soon I will be having a colonoscopy (Colonoscopy is a proobcedure used to see inside the colon and rectum. Colonoscopy can detect inflamed tissue, ulcers, and abnormal growths. The procedure is used to look for early signs of colorectal cancer and can help doctors diagnose unexplained changes in bowel habits, abdominal pain, bleeding from the anus, and weight loss.). By the way this is a real pain in the ass.
The last time I had this procedure,about 10 years ago,the night before you had to flush out your gastrointestinal tract for a better look see. The last time it was an enema to flush the system. This time my doctor gave me a prescription to do the job. When my wife came home after filling the prescription I was knocked over. It was a gallon jug with a substance in the bottom that you have to add water to. It seems that you drink a half gallon the night before and then you do the other half gallon 4 o'clock in the morning. One gallon OMG, when was the last time you drank a gallon of liquid. Yea I know you beer drinkers do that all the time, but WTF.
If I finish all of this liquid and will be clean, really clean. I am getting ready for this experence. I am loading up with tolet paper, stocking up with many magizines and it could be the time that I do get through War and Peace. So wish me well.
Jesus! They planing to to entertain royalty up your ass or what?
Good luck man.
They want to be white glove clean.
Oh, that's the worst. I've had to go through this a couple of time. A good time to catch up on your russian literature!
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