While we were last in South Carolina my wife traveled up and down route 17 what seemed like a hundred times. (I have been told over 2 trillion times never to exaggerate.) And it went like this.,
Sunday landed Myrtle Beach airport, picked up rent-a-car. Drive 25 miles to my wife's uncle home in Pawleys Isand.
Monday drove 25 miles to Myrtle Beach to drop off uncles car for service. (Driving car back to Maine on Wednesday.)
Drove to lawyers office in Surfside Beach to sign papers for the 4000Th time. Oh, sorry about the exaggerating.
Drove back to Pawleys Island, 25 miles.
Got a call to Come back to lawyers office to sign missed copy......25 miles.
Drove back to Pawleys Island.
Drove back to Myrtle Beach to pick up uncles car.
Drove back to Pawleys Island. Stopped at gas station.
Tuesday loaded both the uncles car and the rent-a-car with crap to bring to the dump. Before loading the rent-a-car I removed a shelf from the rear to get more crap in to the vehicle.
Off to the dump and and then to the airport to drop off rent-a-car,25 miles away. While traveling to the airport my wife's uncles car check engine light comes on. Side trip to dealer.
Stopped at the airport for rent-a-car drop off and discovered I had left the shelf at the uncles home. Also had to stop at lawyers office to sign more papers.
Headed back to Pawleys Island to pick up shelf, 25 miles away.
We were about 2 miles from Pawleys Island when we got a call from the lawyer. What we had to do was go back to office and pick up some more papers and bring them to court house in Georgetown which is 5 miles pass Pawleys Island.
So back to the lawyers pick up the papers drive to Georgetown to have them signed. Back to lawyers office drop off papers. Then having picked up the shelf at the uncles home we headed out to the airport to drop off the rent-a-car.
Then we drove back up to Pawleys Island for the last time that day.
The next day we drove 1102.22 miles from Pawleys Island to Rockport Maine.
You got stock in BP or something?
Why my wife's uncle have to live so far away from our lawyer. No foresight.
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