Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I Found Lost

We, my wife and I, were having dinner with friends of ours and we started to talk about TV programs that we liked. One of the shows that our friends really liked was the program Lost. We had never seen it, but we had heard that it was really good. Our friend said that it would be hard to pick up now because of all of the plot twist and different characters on the show. So she said if we are interested she has the first three seasons on DVD and would we be interested in borrowing it to catch up. So we said sure and got the e DVDs.

One and half weeks later this program has dominated our lives. There is no free time there is only Lost. Each season is on 7 disks with 4 episodes per disk. Each episode run, with out commercials, for 45 minutes each with bonus items at the end. There are three season so that comes to about,let see 3 time 6 carry the 12 add 14, about 4 years of viewing as far as I can figure. This is all my wife and I do now, we watch Lost. It is our life. Any who the plot line of Lost is as follows:
Lost follows the lives of plane crash survivors on a mysterious tropical island, after a passenger jet flying between Sydney, Australia and Los Angeles, crashes somewhere in the South Pacific. Each episode typically features a primary storyline on the island as well as a secondary storyline from another point in a character's life. The series is one of the most expensive on television.

My wife and I now have a quest to finish catching up before the new season starts on January 31st. If you don't see or hear from us don't panic ,we could be lost in Lost.

Here is the trailer for Lost.


Farf's Girl said...

you'll have to let me know what happens. i used to watch it and i can't get back into it. i prefer ugly betty. any more plot twists than that and i'm a goner

Dede said...

Better late than never, because of all the TV shows in all the world, this one is the best..Have been counting down the days until the new season since last May...

Jeremy said...

I have to say, I think Oz was one of my favorite shows ever. Of course, you can't mind a little extreme violence here and there and you need to be comfortable with the concept of a "prag"... Once you got past that stuff, though, it rocked!