Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pregnant in Spin Class......Should she pay a double fee?

I hear by decree that anyone who is in spin class and is with child shall no longer be called a interloper. And this will go out to all the spin world to be written in some kind of place were these things are written if there is such a place. And she will be welcomed into the secret spinning society.

I so decree, the spin mistier general your Pal .

Gee, you have gone over to the dark side on this spin thing Uncle Willie.

Timmy someone has to take control. Without order there is kayos.

Your really creeping me out this time Uncle Willie.

Timmy would you like me open a can of whipass for you?


Mary said...

I honestly thought that you had commented on almost every race, religion, sex type, etc. but now to bring up pregnant women!!! For shame. Is nothing sacred???? I would love to see you try to work out with a baby hanging from your belly...believe me it's not easy , been there done it...God knows don't want to do it again...So I am glad that you have had at least the decency to make her part of the group...and just think of the potential of new little spinners being brought into the that's an idea...maybe we could post the spin class times in child birth classes...but then we may need new equipment like bike seats and helmuts for the little ones...more stuff to break and fix...a diaper changing station..pacifiers with heart rate monitors..this is starting to get complicated..maybe she should just remain an really should have gotten concensus from the group before you made such a radical move......

Willie Y said...

I was told by the evil mistress of spin Amy, that she was OK and if I did not include her that something really bad was going to happen to me. Enough said.

Mary said...

Oh Willie....
you fool..of course the spin goddess approves of making her part of the group....what does her husband do for a living??????? You have really opened us up and exposed us now..this will be our undoing...and years from now we will only have you to at least you have that to look forward to....til tomorrow..M

Willie Y said...

take a deep breath Mar, your creeping me out. Next Tuesday night you had better get a bike in the back row. There are plenty of doctor that I am sure can help you. Keep thinking nice thoughts and keep taking deep breaths.

Anonymous said...

Okay you two, enough bantering...

Let me tell you a thing or two about the pregnant lady...We'll call her "Carrie" just to protect the innocent.

1. She is cool.
2. She is my dear friend.
3. She & her hubby are both really fast and talented triathletes.
4. This is baby #5 for her(4 boys so far- a free ticket to heaven as far as I'm concerned!) so I think I can safely say...she blows most of our birthing records away.
5. She works really, really hard so watch out cause after this baby is born-she is going to be a rocket ship!
6. Not an interloper. Never!
7. She's officially "in" now that Willie has written a blog topic on her. We need to come up with an induction ceremony! And that is not to be confused with an induction in the medical sense or I will have to drag my hubby down to a class again. He's not in shape so he will probably have an MI and then we will have to call one of those other Doc Interlopers from the evening classes to save his life. What a mess this has caused!!!!

I hope you guys have a great day. I'm exhausted and I need to start working on the next class. If you guys don't behave we are going to do 90 minutes Tuesday night!

Luv to all my spin buddies!

Amy :-)

Mary said...

KEEP THINKING NICE THOUGHTS AND KEEP TAKING DEEP BREATHS!!!!!! I heard that before during my two labors when I started getting physical with the nurses in the birthing room...Please don't tell me you are an ex OB/GYN with every other profession you list as having done in your life. This sounds like a conspiracy. I may have to change my fitness routine....GROUP POWER HERE I COME...sorry got a little carried away. Too many exercise classes this week and not enough oxygen....I feel better now...I will behave...please don't have those Tuesday nite Dr's take me won't...right Willie??

Anonymous said...

No,No No Mary,

Don't do it! If you leave us and transfer to "GP" then there will be an empty bike for yet a new interloper. You must protect your corner post with all your power to uphold all the mighty standards of spin. We need you! Get some rest and think nice thoughts.
