Yes, that's right people the first of many to come contests. This contest will make sure that you have read all of the early post. Did I hear someone say "what will we win if we answer all of the questions"? Well quite frankly I haven't gotten that far alone in the planning of this, but there will be something. OK here you go.
1. What kind of animal were the first two posts about?
2. In the post Waiting what was I waiting for?
3. In the post, My Spin Instructor is Trying to Kill Me, what is the last quote on the picture of the tombstone?
4. What kind of head did the giraffe have in the post Mutant Giraffe's at Our Borders?
5. How is incorrectly misspelled in the post Spel Cheik?
6.At the end of the post Groom That Ear what will you get in your mouth?
7.What two teams is the post llabooF egelloC about?
8.What is the upside to senility?
9.In Polly Wants a Coffin, what is the name of the parrot who died?
10. Who sang the Monster Mash?
There you have it. Exciting isn't it? So get cracking and send in those answers to Comments.
2. In the post Waiting what was I waiting for?
3. In the post, My Spin Instructor is Trying to Kill Me, what is the last quote on the picture of the tombstone?
4. What kind of head did the giraffe have in the post Mutant Giraffe's at Our Borders?
5. How is incorrectly misspelled in the post Spel Cheik?
6.At the end of the post Groom That Ear what will you get in your mouth?
7.What two teams is the post llabooF egelloC about?
8.What is the upside to senility?
9.In Polly Wants a Coffin, what is the name of the parrot who died?
10. Who sang the Monster Mash?
There you have it. Exciting isn't it? So get cracking and send in those answers to Comments.
1. A giant half-chicken half-squirrel.
2. You were waiting for Godot.
3. I don't read your spin posts. And for your sake, I hope your evil spin instructor doesn't either.
4. An Ewok head. Definitely an Ewok head.
5. Hou kan I posiblee anser dat withowt splee chek avalable wen leevin comants?
6. I'm sorry, I'm still stuck on the phrase "Groom That Ear." I'll get back to you on this one.
7. The steJ and the skrahS.
8. The upside to... ummm... WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY KITCHEN???
9. Polly. I don't care what they tell you, all parrots are named Polly.
10. Herman Munster.
Congratulations you are in the running for our top prize,because you did not get one answer correctly,but because you are the only one to attempt to answer the questions.You are in 1st place. Congratulations.
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