Well tonight I took the class with Evil where she made us go for 80 minutes. I think the Bataan march was a little shorter. But I made it with only minimal heart damage. But other than that the only bump all night was my ride was taken while my back was turned. I had gotten to the class early because the last class I had taken on Monday, I was a little late, and what this mean is that you get the last bike, which is usually one of these bikes that when you start to add tension to the flywheel it goes from nothing to very hard in two clicks. It is not fun. So any who I get there early and I grab a bike and place it in the first row. Then I went to get my water bottle and when I turned around it had been taken by the very women who had her bike taken the previous Monday by Mary. And she looks so innocent. Well you could have knocked me over with a feather. I just stood there with my jaw on the floor. Well I decided not to make a scene and just grabbed a new ride. Well life's a bitch and then you die. From now on if I have to leave the workout room for any reason I will have to tote this 100 lb. bike with me. I wonder if the bike will fit in the stall in the men's room.
Yeah Willie,
You had a rough start last night. Just get a "Beware of Dog" sign and tape it to your handlebars. That will keep the bike thieves at bay.
Get the facts straight-we did 85 last night- no batons (what does that mean anyway? I didn't get that...)
Too tired to write anymore...
Evil yes my spin life is tough. I am glad you realize that. And I was so exhausted last night I blacked out for the last 5 minutes. Hence the 5 minute error.
The Bataan March took place in the Philippines in 1942 at the beginning of WW11.
Check it here.
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