Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Glen Beck is Nuts

Hey, Glen Beck pull down your pants and show them your nuts. Glen does not have to pull his pants down, all he has to do is open his mouth. His in his latest rant he called the president a racist. Saying he does not like white people, even though his mother was white and his grandmother, who raised him is white. Can this man get any crazier. Here is just a couple of the words of wisdom from this moron.

1.Obama has "exposed himself as a guy" with "a deep seated hatred for white people"
2.Obama "wants to create a civilian army" of "community organizers ... more well-funded than the military"
3.Obama is "fundamentally transforming" the country to make it "look more like ACORN"
4. Healthcare "system is going to come out the other side dictorial - it's going to come out a fascist state"
5. Beck claims Obama tanking economy to drive teenagers into ACORN, Americorps
6.Obama agenda driven by "reparations" and desire to "settle old racial scores"

I could go on and on but I don't have that much time. The big problem with people like Beck is that he has millions of people hanging on and believing every word this nut spouts. To me it is the scariest part of people like Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh. These guys will say anything that comes into their heads to attack what ever President Obama says and a large part of their audience will take it as the word of god. People complain about President Obama being over exposed on TV, but he has to set the records straight. With these guys, plus many more of lesser right wing talkers are out there spreading lies and miss information every day 7 days a week about health care, he has to be out there. Lets have an honest debate that's all I want and I am sure that's what most people want.


Mr Snootles said...

Do you like Glen Beck as well ERSG?

Hey Uncle Willie, are you sure it is not some sort of sneaky Democrat plot? You know - have some apparantly right wing nut put up some straw-man arguments which are easily dismantled?

- Snoot

Spencer Troxell said...

People should definitely be more thoughtful about their news sources.

Spencer Troxell said...

PS, thanks for the image of Glenn Beck with a pair of nuts hanging out of his mouth. That's never going away.

Evil Republican Spin Goddess said...

Is the Pope Catholic?