It's Tuesday afternoon and I am sitting in one of our bedrooms while our kitchen is being put back together. Ever since we moved into our home we wanted to update our kitchen and now we are in the throws of the tear down and put back. And the one thing that I did was tell our friend Tom, who is doing the kitchen, was that I would tear everything out and do some sheet rocking and spackling. OK, I'm just a little handy and I've done some spackling and I kind of like it. The only thing is I like to take my time and get it perfect. So when Tom, our contractor told me I would have to finish by Tuesday, well the panic set in, I now have a deadline, holy crap. This was Saturday and I just dove into it, ripping walls and tiles out, putting sheet rock up and starting the spackling. How about working 20 hours a day for three days. This is not fun, I found out that I don't like working with a deadline, but I did it,and now I can rest.
The other thing about doing some construction, especially in the kitchen is that we have crap all over the place, I mean I did not know we owned so much stuff. And this stuff is everywhere. It took me twenty minutes to find my key the other day. I just cant believe that we had so much stuff in our kitchen cabinets. And I mean we have every culinary tool. Who knows when I'll need that special knife to fillet that American eagle again.
Deadlines suck, especially when they are surprise deadlines.
Be sure to hold on to that kumquat de-seeder, though! Those things are extremely handy.
I like that kind of physical work. My back can't take too much of it anymore; but so much more satisfying than pushing paper around whatnot. Its real. You start out and things look one way;...and then BAM! Now they're different.
Enjoy Willie!
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