One of the first things I do in the morning, after making the coffee, is go to the computer and check a on the world. And usually my first stop is News Hounds. Their motto is "We watch Fox so you don't have to". And what they do is pick out all the crazy things that the people on Fox say and do. For me lately the good people at Fox have gotten so crazy that I can even read about them. It's just twenty four/seven craziness and I just can't take it anymore. Some of the examples lately are as follows:
Hannity, Malkin And Beck Exploit Lara Logan Assault For Their Anti-Muslim Agenda(Blaming every Muslim in the world for her attack.)
Hannity “Reluctantly” Leads Smear Attack On Michelle Obama: Wonders If She’ll Take American Kids To Rev. Wright’s Church Or Introduce Them To Bill Ayers
Fox Nation Thinks Coat Hanger Image, In Pro-Choice Ad, Is "Sick" - Excuse Me???
Glenn Beck: Fear the Government? Fear the Google!
Why Be Calm About Egypt When You Can Fear Monger About Obama Administration?
And my personal favorite.
Willie's World a Hot Bed of Anti Christian, Pro Homosexual, Baby Killing Progressive who is Poisoning Your Kids
I just made that last one up.
So because of Fox my morning routine is all messed up. How long before the good people of Fox get back to slightly crazy so I can get back to normal
Not to switch subjects; but I was looking at your blog page and I was really anxious to check out the Troy McClure Pretty-much Anything site that's listed.
But its gone forever.
RIP Phil Hartman!!!!!!
Here are a couple of good Troy McClure sites.
His films Here. And his best info film about meat and where it comes from, Here.
Thanks Willie!!!
Why do you do it to yourself, Willie?
Spencer, just when I thought I was out they pull me back in.
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