When I watch the old boob tube ( slang for a television set) in this day and age, the device that I treasure the most is our DVR(digital video recorder). And why do I love this new device from the future you might ask. Well I'll tells ya kiddies. It's that if you record a program on the boob tube for 15 minutes and then start watching you can fast forward ( It means to move forward through an audio or video recording at a speed faster than that at which it would usually flow.)through the commericals. It's a friggin boom to man kind (The word mankind in the sense of “all human beings living on the earth. As I understand the word, it comes from an Old English construct in which man means person.) I tells ya.
But if you get lazy, like I do sometimes and just watch the show in real time (The actual time that it takes a process to occur.), when ever a commercial comes on and your pal is in the prone position (Naturally inclined to something.), well I am off to la la land (A place renowned for its frivolous activity or a state of mind characterized by unrealistic expectations or a lack of seriousness.). So it is my own internal DVR at work, cool ain't it.
The use of parenthese (The left parenthesis "(" and right parenthesis ")" are used to delineate one expression from another. For example, in the query list for size="34" and (color = "red" or color ="green"), parentheses group the ORs together so they are a distinct entity from the AND. In programming, parentheses are used to surround input parameters of a function call. For example, in C, the string compare statement strnicmp (itemA, itemB, 10) uses parentheses to group the ITEMA, ITEMB and 10 values handed over to the function.) in the post are just something that I felt like doing.
Thank You.(a conversational expression of gratitude.)
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