So the alarm rings and we pop out of bed bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready for that wonderful 20 hour drive(We did not drive the whole way to Maine.We stopped and stayed with our friends in New Jersey.). Well any who we started out with a promise of a very boring ride, so when my wife started to comment about how I was all over the road after about 45 minutes into the ride,I knew we were in for a little excitement. So I pulled into a fast food joint for a cup of joe. I only pulled over after arguing with my wife that I was OK and perfectly alright to drive on the grass in the middle of the highway. I finally gave in and my wife took the wheel. I settled into the passenger seat and immediately fell asleep. One hour later I was abruptly brought back to the real world when my neck was snapped to the right. It seems my wife had fallen asleep and was drifting into the other lane. Thankfully she came to and made the correction, but it did cause my neck to snap. Since I had a good hours sleep I took over again.
The morning sun was rising and the sleepiness was disappearing.
All is well again, except for the 8 hour drive. A couple of memorable moments on the ride to New Jersey. One occurred in Virgina. I was following this guy in a Mercedes and he was slowly slowing down. So I pull into the right lane to get around him. As I pulled up to his car he spotted me and hit the accelerator and was now going like a bat out of hell. OK I pull behind him and everything was right with the world. Then it happened again he started to slow down again. This prompted the guy behind me to pull into the right lane and try to get in front of my guy. Once again the guy pulled next to the Mercedes and once again the Mercedes is going 100 MPH. I think that there has never been a person to pass this guy ever......Good work my man.
Another special moment occurred on the downside of the Delaware Memorial Bridge. I was in the fast lane as I looked in my rear view mirror and noticed that there was a car attached to my back bumper, that's what it looked like to me anyway. So what I usually do is hit my emergency flasher, which lights up the break lights. Well that didn't work so the next options is to tap the break peddle. This guy is still right on my bumper. I look in my side mirror and this guy is all red faced and that's when I started to wave my hands around in the WTF mode, and then I pulled to the right. As he passed me he was bright red and probably cursing me up and down and that's when I really gave to him. I put my right thumb on my nose and wiggled my other fingers at this moron. Yea I got his ass going, because he just got more red. If I had more time I would have stuck my tongue out as well.
Well we made it to New Jersey with no other distractions and had a good time with our friends.
Long car trips are the worst.
I'm glad you made it back alive.
Thanks Spencer, I think one more driving trip is in the future. I can't wait.
My mom fell asleep at the wheel and rolled her car in Nebraska (she's fine).
There are certain horses and dogs who's temperament will not allow another to pass them. Its a quality you want in a racehorse or sled-dog; not in other drivers.
Nothing has damaged community more in this country than the automobile culture--except maybe the internet ("information superhighway").
Glad you're alright Willie.
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