Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pushing Daisies on ABC or ELSE !

I want everyone to watch the ABC program Pushing Daisies. It's on Wednesday at 8 EST. I love this program very much and wish it to stay on the air. It is so inventive, with great visuals and a great story. And the characters are the best.

The story is about a boy who discovers that he can make the dead come to life just by touching them. But there are many down sides to this power. If he touches the person again they die. And if after the person is brought back to life and it is for more than one minute someone else close by will die. Oh by the way its a comedy.

Please check this program out. Because if you don't I will hunt everyone down like the dogs that you are and I will, well I haven't figured that out yet. Well any who.

Have a nice day

Your Pal


1 comment:

Farf's Girl said...

Sorry Uncle Willie. My program card is full.